Sunday, 1 October 2006

First Skiing in Lyngen

The snow has started falling in the mountains around Tromsø and our hypothesis was that it would be skiing conditions at higher altitudes in the Lyngen Alps. Shure enough, the hypothesis was verified at about 800 m.asl. and it was beyond expectations above 1000 m.asl. where powder was present. We even decided to abort our try on one of the summits due to avalanche danger. It is not every year you can go powder skiing in Northern Norway before October.

I look forward to an eventful season in the backcountry. I'd like to thank the two superbros from Sweden that initiated this firs trip of the season; Olof and Kalle Selander. We also met some eager students from my old telemark-club; TULL, at the University of Tromsø.

The pics here are some from the trip, the panorama is taken of the Lyngen Alps when arriving with the ferry at Svendsby.

1 comment:

Hank Z said...

I love your photographs!